< 7 days
I woke up this morning at about 7:30. At 8:00 I started to review the last two tests that I took (practice exam 1 morning and afternoon sessions in the Schweser practice exam book). I reviewed until about 11:00am. I review by typing notes about the questions that I missed or that I didn't fully understand.
At 11:00am I printed out my notes and read them for about 30 minutes before I went to lunch at
Robongi (great Japanese food). I took my notes with me.
I returned at about 12:30 and took a short nap until about 1:30pm, when I started my next practice exam (exam #2 morning session). I limited my time to < 3hrs. I answered 86 out of the 120 questions correctly.
From about 5:30 until 9:00 reviewed the test and took more notes.
Alli isn't feeling good today. I hope she isn't getting sick! I joked with her that I may have to get a hotel so I don't risk being sick for the exam. Actually, if she does get really sick I may have to reevaluate the status of that "joke."
I have to remember to order a backup calculator.